Nancy Kittredge

"Art does not reproduce the visible" -- Paul Klee
Nancy Kittredge does not reproduce the visible as the world views it; rather she takes the invisible and intangible philosophy of her belief that we are spiritual beings, and translates this into a personal and poetic vision.

As life on this earth, our island home, becomes more fragile with daily unsettling news, one may turn to Kittredge's luminous oil paintings and feel a sense of peace, light and hope.

Indeed, the artist's paintings epitomize the fact that art is, above all else, a process of creation, for it is in and through the creative process that we feel closest to the truth within ourselves.
For a full page image, its title and size, click on the image

Return of the Ravens

Eternal Star

New Day Dawning

Bird Sanctuary
Place of Light


Light From The Narrow Door

Golden Hill

Above The Clouds

Ascent Of The Saints

Light From Light



Free Ride

When Rocks Ascend

From Mist to Morning

Holy Mountain

Welcome Happy Morning

The Moment

Light Descending

Life Boats


Click HERE to see gallery photos of recent shows.

More paintings by Nancy Kittredge
Copyright © by Nancy Kittredge. Images may not be printed, saved, transferred or stored on any electronic retrieval system or device without the written permission of the artist. Nancy Kittredge's paintings may be purchased directly from the artist. For more information about any of the paintings contact Nancy Kittredge.